My littles will be going on an adventure with their dad to visit family in North Carolina, so I'm going through all their "activity bags" (which is A LOT!!!!) and getting a few things together for them to take with them on the long ride down there, and so they have things to do on rainy days or lazy evenings. :) I'll miss them terribly and hate being away from them, so I bought a composition book for them to write about their adventures so I can read all about them when they get home..........
Not only will it give them a sense of doing something together that will make me smile, but it gives them a chance to keep their minds sharp and work on their spelling together. Genius!!! ;) I just hope they do it. O.O
Anyway. I took a brake to make some coffee and gather my thoughts. Back to the giant mess waiting on me to fix it all, to make it all better and put everything in. its. place. Send help, please!!!