
May 22, 2014

Spring........And New Beginning.....

Winter is finally over and Spring is here. Sunshine, rain, gardening, way too high grass because our lawnmower needs to be serviced and birds chirping. Lots and lots of birds chirping. I don't know why everyone hates them so much, I love the sounds they make. It reminds me that winter is over!! I could not be happier. I need to be outside, hiking and exploring with Lex, gardening and planting with Lo, and just really enjoying the sunshine. I don't mind the rainy days, it give me a chance to get caught up on all the cleaning and rest. I've been exhausted for the past three months, it's been terrible for my health. Lots of blood loss, three ER visits, multiple procedures to try and fix the problem, and guess what?? Birth control did the trick. My hormones have been so out of whack for the past 5 years no one knew what was going on. I finally found a doctor who was able to fix me. Finally! This Spring started off really rough, but it's going in the right direction now. Never ignore your healthy, people. Never. 

Now that I'm on the mend I have decided to start my photography business back up. When Boss Lady had her baby I was needed at the store almost every day. Little Boss Man is a year old now and she's back to work more and more, so I'll have more time. I've been trying to get my photography groove back by using my kids as models.  Here are some of my favorites.......

I'll have my website up and running soon!!! Very soon! I can't wait to get back into it. :)


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