
September 16, 2014

Starting Off The School Year With A BANG!

Turns out that my wonderful, adorable, so well behaved angelic children, are just plain children after all. Noisy, talkative, interrupting children. Both of them have been getting into trouble at school. Lex actually had to call me yesterday to explain what he had done and to let me know his card was now on yellow. They do the card system, start off on green and red means real trouble. Lo has been on red twice now. -_- It's "not her fault though!", she just has to blurt out the answer because the teacher won't pick her. Unbelievable. And Lex? Lex got in trouble because he yelled at a friend who kept telling him to eat paper, and he didn't want to eat paper, so he yelled at her. Yes, HER. A girl. It's starting already. It is way too soon for girls to be going after my son! Hussie's better back off.

Lo. She just can't help herself. She's always right and everyone needs to know it, and she will make sure they do whether they want to or not!! Damn it! We've had a talk about self control and raising our hand when the teacher asks a question. I think she got it. We'll see. In the meantime I'm just going to go sit quietly and watch the show.

The Mom~

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