
October 16, 2007

Worse Day So Far~

From the moment I woke up I have felt nauseous, so I ate thinking that would help, but it only made it worse. :( I wish I'd throw up already! i know that would make me feel better. I have been having weird cravings, but food makes me sick. Does that make sense? I'm moving into my 7th week, so I'm hoping all this will get better soon. With my luck I'll feel like this the whole pregnancy. I'd be so pissed! LOL! I'll live though.~

Last night I made stuffed chicken breast with peas and mashed potatoes and I couldn't even enjoy it. Everyone else loved it, of course. All I wanted to do was mix it all together with ketchup, but every time I took a bite I wanted to throw up, so I only took 3 bites then I gave up. I felt like crap so I went to bed at 10:00. That's pretty early considering Kevin let me take a 4 hour nap yesterday. 4 HOURS!!! That's ridiculous!! Only a pregnant woman could sleep that long then go to bed for the night at 10 and still wake up tired. LOL~


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