
September 24, 2010

The Recall That Broke The Camel's Back

I am tired, sick and tired of all these recalls. First it's cribs, then it's medicine and now it's formula. Is there anything that is safe out there nowadays for our kids? None of my kids are formula fed, they're past that phase, thank goodness! But there was a time when I supplemented with formula, or straight out formula fed each of my kids. This really bothers me. These are our babies!! There should be higher standards in the making of anything that goes into their tiny bodies. I shudder to think of all the little ones out there right now suffering from belly aches and pains because they were fed formula with insect  bits in it. Just disgusting. If I ever were to have another baby, how could I trust these companies? I would be terrified!! I'm a breastfeeding Mommy. I breastfed each of my littles until they stopped, or I stopped or both. But now, I'd breastfeed the next one till he or she was 1!! I am losing total faith in any company that is making products that goes into my children's mouths. I have a teething 2 year old right now, but I refuse to give her anything unless it's all natural. I can't do chemicals anymore. It's not the worth the risk, and that's sad that I feel this way.

Another issue.......I have wasted so much money on medicine because I had to throw it out. I had some of the products that were on the recall list, some of which I had already used!! You can only imagine how that made me feel. Angry, scared, utterly disappointed in the company. I take my children's health very seriously. I don't just dose up every time one of my kids sneezes. But I'd like to have the option of giving them medicine if need be!! For now, we have the generic in our fridge, just in case. I hope that something is done to enforce stricter guidelines when it comes to making anything that goes into our children's bodies. So far, they are failing. Miserably. Shame on them.

September 23, 2010

Dreading The Long Winter Months

Just the thought of having to put on more clothes, shoveling snow, driving in the snow and being cooped up all Winter long is giving me hives. I'm trying not to think about it. I've been keeping busy with work, kids, school, the house and other things. Thankfully my husband knows all kinds of ways to keep the kids busy with useless toys.......

I kid!!!! I kid!!!! That last one isn't ours, but I would love to have one. Could come in real handy when the kids are losing their minds from being stuck indoors for days on end. He buys things all the time so there is always something to do. I should be grateful that he's able to keep them busy, but we are running out of room!!! We need a bigger house. I've been looking almost every week in hopes that one catches my eye, but nothing yet. ((sigh)) 'll have to deal with the toys taking over my house.

September 21, 2010

Contrary To Popular Belief, I Do NOT LIke Being Called A MILF.....

I was only 21 when I gave birth to my oldest, who is almost 15, you do the math. When she started Kindergarten all of her little friends would say..."Raven, your Mom is so nice." Then came elementary school and he friends would say, "Raven your Mom is cool!!" Then came middle school. Everything changed. Once it was everyone had the same opinion, now the opinions differ between the boys and the girls. The girls: "Raven, your Mom is scary. Pretty, but scary!".....the boys: "Raven your Mom is HOT!!! Tell her I said I." -_- There is one boy who kinda takes it a little too far and Raven always has to shut him down. One of his favorite comments is "Hey, Raven...can't wait till you grow up and look like your Mom. So HOT!!" That's when she gets a bit upset and has to tell him to shut his dirty mouth. She hates it. She thinks it's gross and wishes I'd wear a burlap bag and no makeup. LOL!! It's just not "cool" when you're a teenager, you know? I feel the same way. Just knowing that little 12-14 year old boys are checking me out makes my stomach hurt. I joined a parent group that meets twice a month at the high school to talk about issues the kids are having, organize tutoring help and other boring parent things. When I told Raven about it, she asked me to not wear makeup when I go to these meetings, you know, just in case I run into some of her friends. -_- My husband thinks it's great that I'm considered a "MILF". Me, not so much. It's creepy!!!!! Little boys lookin' at you, thinking nasty thoughts. UGH! Now.....when she goes to college, that's a different story!

September 15, 2010

ALMOST Wordless Wednesday......

What's wrong with this picture?.......

September 12, 2010

Good Bye Summer.....I will Miss You Terribly

With the beginning of the new school year, marks the end of Summer. I'm so very sad to see you leave. I'll my my favorite flip flops.......

I will miss watching my children running around outside in the sunshine......

I will miss watching them play in the dirt until they're covered in mud.......

We will miss the playgrounds and swinging till they're squealing with delight.....

And I'll miss this.......


And this......

And even the dirty faces.......

 And I will most definitely miss these little creatures......

So as not to depress myself even more I'm going to make a list of everything I am looking forward to this Fall.....

  • The foliage
  • Not sweating so damn much
  • Apple picking
  • Baking
  • Pumpkin
  • Halloween
  • Open windows
  • Bulky sweaters
  • And even more baking
  • Thanksgiving with my family
  • And of course....Christmas :)
I'm usually more enthusiastic about the Fall this time of year, but I think I'm going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming this time around. ;)

September 10, 2010

Other People's Kids.......

I've been a Mom for 14 years. I've seen a lot, I've done a lot and I've had my share of mess ups. I'm not perfect, but I am experienced and I'm still learning. And I still don't like other people's kids. So when I see other Moms making mistakes I just shake my head and look the other way. But then there are times when I have to say something. Like when that parent is too busy chatting away with other Moms at the park and not watching her kid who is shoving my kid.

Today was one of those days that started off beautifully. Got up early, made coffee and breakfast, got out the door early and we were the first in line at the school. After Lex washed his hands we proceeded to his classroom door to wait for his teacher to let us in. As we were standing there Moms were walking past with their kids, some were laughing, some were not. But one little boy stood out from the rest. Mainly because he was pulling away from his Mom, yelling at her and he just look like an angry little boy. As they walked past us Lex looked at me and said..."Mom. That boy yelled at me, too." o_O I asked him what happened and he said that they were playing and the little boy got mad at him and yelled at him. The teacher was right there, addressed the issue and made the boy understand that there is no yelling in their school. Everyone must play nice. Wonderful. But think that made me feel better?! Hell no. I was trying very hard not to lose it. The teacher took care of it. Everything was fine. But the thought of someone yelling at my sweet boy just rips me apart. I smiled at him and told him he did the right thing by not yelling back and to let the teachers know if it happens again. Kisses, hugs, see you in a bit and off he went with a smile on his face. I, on the other hand, had to force myself to walk out the door. ((DEEP BREATH))

I decide to take Lo to the park for some playtime and fresh air. It always puts me in a better mood. We get to the park and there are 4 Moms all standing in a tight circle, chatting away, sipping on their D&D's coffee and not watching their kids. This is nothing new. I see it all the time, but this morning I was all wound up and ready to smack someone. So when Lo tries to go down the slide and a little girl stands in her way and won't let her, I kinda got a little pissed off. I gently asked the girl to move so Lo could slide down. She did. Then the girl and her twin sister proceeded to go down right after Lo and ended up kicking her because Lo wasn't all the way down the slide yet. -_- Again, the Moms weren't even watching. I take Lo for a walk to calm myself down, then we go back to the park. Lo wanted to go down the big slide, so off she went. As she got to the top one of the little girls stood right in front of her and started screaming in Lo's face, then shoved her. I lost it. I walk over to the Minivan gang and in a very stern voice said..."Excuse me, would the Mother of the twins please stop yapping and parent your kids please before I lose my patience?! Thank you!" The Mom look mortified. She ran over and took the girls aside and said something to them. Yes, it felt good.

We stayed for a while longer, played, walked and just had a nice time. There was one Mom there apart from the Minivan gang who came up to me and said..."So glad someone said something. Those girls are out of control. The Mom has no clue." Then she walked off. I feel like we live in a society that is afraid to stand up and say something about someone else's child. That is wrong. We need to say something, maybe then that parent will actually parent their child instead of letting him or her run amok! Today just reminded me that I still don't like other people's kids.

September 7, 2010

Mommy Movie Moment.....

It's no secret that I'm a movie goer. Well, I go when I can, or I get them when they first come to On-Demand. I like to spread the word on movies that I've seen that I really liked or movies I think people might want to wait for the DVD. Now....forget all that "save the best for last" crap. I'm starting with my favorite...

Why? I'll give you one good reason........Michael Fassbender! I think he is incredibly talented and he is fantastic in this movie! The movie is set during the war between Roman soldiers and Pict tribesmen during the 2nd century Roman conquest of Britain. Bloody as all Hell, but well shot and the story line is great! See it. :D

Kevin and I had wanted so badly to see this movie when it first came out, but, as all you parents know, date nights are far and few between when you have kids. So we waited for until it was out in on-demand. This movie was hilarious!!! I think Tina Fey and Steve Carell made that movie! It was funny with those two starring in it, anyone else, eh, I don't think it would have been as good. :)

I took my son on a Mommy & Son date too see this and we both loved it! It was cute, sweet, funny and not too long. :) Lex laughed out loud a lot, which is a sure sign that it's a good movie. He has particular taste. ;)

I was actually pleasantly surprised by how good this movie was. It was a bit long, but it was bearable because it was done so well. I love Colin Firth. He's excellent in everything he does! And I was surprised that Ben Barnes was actually pretty good. And so darn cute! ;)

This movie was excellent! Maybe it's because I love Michael Cera, or maybe it's because I like weird movies, but I just really enjoyed this one! It was funky, funny and sweet. I'm sad it didn't do better. :( We even got to meet the director, Edgar Wright, Michael Cera, Anna Kendrick and Jason Schwartzman. Here's my teenager, Raven, with them all......

 So those are the movies I've seen and I loved. I won't bog down this post with the ones I hated. It's all about the love. :)

September 5, 2010

Mommy's Obsession....

Ok. Confession time. I am a just bit obsessed with True Blood. I've read all the books and when I found out HBO was going to be making a show from the books, I was excited, to say the least. I've never missed an episode and sometimes I watch them more than once. I know, I know......pathetic. I just can't help myself! Now, my husband works for a very popular radio station in Boston and with that comes some very nice perks. One of them being meeting stars if and when they come to town. Last year I was very lucky to meet Rutina Wesley who plays Tara and Nelsan Ellis who plays LaFayette, when they came to Boston promoting the show.

That was great! I love them both. :) This year my husband called me to tell me that HBO was sending Rutina Wesley and Joe Manganiello, he's Alcide Herveaux on the show. I could not believe my luck!! I love him on True Blood!! He plays Alcide perfectly. And he is ridiculously hot. Seriously. Kevin was out of town, but he fixed it so me and a friend could be the first in line to meet them. I didn't feel to comfortable taking Lola with me into Boston to do this. I didn't to be "that Mom". You know what I'm talking about. Kevin assured me that it was fine, everyone knew I was coming and that I'd have Lola with me. EXCELLENT! I took my friend Benise with me because she loves the show, too. Let me just say that I am so glad I went. It's not easy to stun me to silence, but when I walked up to that table I could barely remember who I was. Joe was unbelievably gorgeous and so very nice. I completely forgot Rutina, or anyone else for that matter, was there. LOL!! I felt so bad afterwards that I barely said two words to her. Not my fault! Now, when it came time to take the picture I was trying really hard to hold Lola in a way that wasn't killing my arms, tough since I had been holding her for over an hour!! Of course, Dana (she works with my husband and obviously has a loud mouth. LOL!!) yells out.."Stop trying to hide that baby!!" I honestly was not trying to hide her, I was barely able to get down in between them in a position that didn't look like I was a hunchback or somethin' like that. Here's that embarrassing photo......

Yes, they were, indeed, laughing at me. -_- Just look how massive that man is!! But I managed to get in there, but I was laughing so hard and struggling to hold Lola up, I look like crap. Posting it anyway!

Lola looks good. :) My friend took these pictures and she said she was so busy looking at him that I'm lucky I'm in the picture at all. HAH! Thanks, Benise. -_- I was able to snap a few sneaky pictures and well, here they are. Ladies, you're welcome....

He caught me taking this picture. heheheee
