Ok. Confession time. I am a just
bit obsessed with
True Blood. I've read all the books and when I found out
HBO was going to be making a show from the books, I was excited, to say the least. I've never missed an episode and sometimes I watch them more than once. I know, I know......
pathetic. I just can't help myself! Now, my husband works for a very popular radio station in Boston and with that comes some very nice perks. One of them being meeting stars if and when they come to town. Last year I was very lucky to meet
Rutina Wesley who plays Tara and
Nelsan Ellis who plays LaFayette, when they came to Boston promoting the show.
That was great! I love them both. :) This year my husband called me to tell me that HBO was sending Rutina Wesley and
Joe Manganiello, he's Alcide Herveaux on the show. I could
not believe my luck!! I love him on True Blood!! He plays Alcide perfectly. And he is ridiculously hot. Seriously. Kevin was out of town, but he fixed it so me and a friend could be the first in line to meet them. I didn't feel to comfortable taking Lola with me into Boston to do this. I didn't to be "that Mom". You know what I'm talking about. Kevin assured me that it was fine, everyone knew I was coming and that I'd have Lola with me. EXCELLENT! I took my friend Benise with me because she loves the show, too. Let me just say that I am so glad I went. It's not easy to stun me to silence, but when I walked up to that table I could barely remember who I was. Joe was unbelievably gorgeous and so very nice. I completely forgot Rutina, or anyone else for that matter, was there. LOL!! I felt so bad afterwards that I barely said two words to her. Not my fault! Now, when it came time to take the picture I was trying really hard to hold Lola in a way that wasn't killing my arms, tough since I had been holding her for over an hour!! Of course, Dana (she works with my husband and obviously has a loud mouth. LOL!!) yells out.."Stop trying to hide that baby!!" I honestly was not trying to hide her, I was barely able to get down in between them in a position that didn't look like I was a hunchback or somethin' like that. Here's that embarrassing photo......

Yes, they were, indeed, laughing at me. -_- Just look how massive that man is!! But I managed to get in there, but I was laughing so hard and struggling to hold Lola up, I look like crap. Posting it anyway!
Lola looks good. :) My friend took these pictures and she said she was so busy looking at him that I'm lucky I'm in the picture at all. HAH! Thanks, Benise. -_- I was able to snap a few sneaky pictures and well, here they are. Ladies, you're welcome....
He caught me taking this picture. heheheee
1 thoughts:
This is the best blog post I have read all day. I am also an AVID True Blood fan <3 Eric Northman! ( hopin he makes it). How cool you got this oppurtunity!!!
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