
April 13, 2010

Feeling Out Of Sorts Lately...

I don't know what it is, but I haven't been feeling well at all. It seems like it's getting worse and not better. I have no time for myself, I never go anywhere alone, except shopping and even then someone always wants to tag along. It feels like PMS but worse. Every time I try to sit down and do something one of the kids starts crying or needs me, or wants something or just won't leave me alone. I'm thinking it's time I go somewhere alone, and I'm not talking about the fucking grocery store either! I think I'll go to the movies.....alone. I hate feeling this way, and it only happens once or twice a year, but when it does happen I have got to get out!!! It doesn't help that I hate having to tell everyone what to do, no one just does anything around here lately out of the goodness of their heart. I also can't stand to even look at my husband. Horrible, I know, but you know happens. How I deal with it is what matters. And so far I've been doing pretty good. I haven't tried to hurt anyone yet. :) It irks me that my husband still talks about having more kids, too! What is that about?!?! We are maxed out. I am maxed out! Two is plenty, get over it.

((sigh)) I have, actually, been reading a good book lately, even if I do have to sneak into the bathroom to get some reading time in. -_- It's called ANGELOLOGY, and it's great! You can read about it here......

I didn't think I'd like it, but I do. I need more reading material though and stat! The bathroom is calling me. It's saying...."You know you wanna come sit on the porcelain throne and read. Come on!!!!!" HAH! My husband thinks I have some kind of bathroom Dear, it's called "Mommy's quiet time". :D

I'll be ok. I'll feel even better once "SHE" gets here and then leaves. Ugh. BUT! There is good news!!! I'm bloated, and I mean bloated, but I'm still in my skinny jeans!! YAY!! Wait, not those ugly ass "skinny jeans" that kids are shoving themselves into. I mean the jeans that fit me when I'm not on my period. If you're female you know what I'm talking about. :D That means Operations GET SEXY is working. Lovely!!!

p.s.~ I totally just wrote this post without one of the kids coming to look for me or bother me. They are still playing quietly in Lex's room. Wonderful! Today is going to be a good day. :)

3 thoughts:

Moooooog35 said...

Giving kids Benedryl = more of 'mommy's quiet time.'

You're welcome.

* The MOM said...

That shit has the opposite effect on my kids. Of course! -_- LOL!!! I'll settle for hiding in the bathroom or locking them in closets. (just kidding)

* The MOM said...

Oh, and thank you! HAH!