
May 30, 2009

Who Would Have Thunk?!?!

My friend sent me a message about another friend of hers who's child was having issues with development for YEARS. Here's what she wrote......

so i was talking to one of my friends on line last night whose 5 year old boy. He has been having really bad problems with his ears, balance and a few other things. He was put in the Early Intervention Program because of the cognitive and physical delays. I've know her for a bit on myspace and her little one has been having ear and sinus problems forever now.

She said he had an operation the other day and she has already seen so much improvement.

I wanted to send you part of the letter she sent me in hopes that maybe some of the info might be able to help Lola. Here is part of what she wrote me.....

"We didn't know he was having issues with tonsils per se. He was doing so poorly last year with cognitive skills, I held him back from Kindergarten and he''s been in an IEP program at preschool for developmental delays, but he recently began complaining about not being able to hear well. He always gets ear/sinus infections, so I had taken him to a specialist and had further hearing evaluations done, which was showing significant hearing loss.

He's always breathed extremely loud, which just seemed "normal" to us, but when she checked him, he had what she called "kissing tonsils" in that they're always swollen and rubbing together, and causing him to labor during breathing even on his best days.

Between the breathing difficulty, the infections leading to hearing loss and probably contributing to his speech and balance issues, we decided to go ahead and remove the tonsils and have tubes put in his ears. I swear, within minutes of the surgery, he was speaking so much clearer, breathing so much easier, and everything is taking a turn for the better quickly, so I'm excited about the progress in just a couple weeks' time"

I don't know if any of that info helps but I just want to help Aedan's baby girl feel better.

O_O Seriously?! I would have never thought of that. Her doctor said that she is delayed, but she normally wouldn't be concerned at this age, it's the fact that she WAS doing things normally....rolling, pushing up on her arms and trying to pull up, then it all just STOPPED when she got sick. First "real" sickness. So we're going to see a neurologist and see what she says. When I took her in on Tuesday her doctor said she wants her to see a Ear, Nose, Throat specialist because the ear infections have been so close together which means she might need tubes. I said I wanted to wait. Well NOW I don't want to. I want to have her seen ASAP!! I really, really hope it's the ears. I hate that she is always sick with ear infections and I was hoping it was seasonal, but regardless.....I should have her seen no matter WHAT it is. :)

Wish us luck!!

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