
June 5, 2010

My Son.......

Would be gorgeous if he were a girl........

But he isn't, despite what people think......

He is ALL boy! He loves bugs, dirt, jumping off random things and well, just being a boy.....

So don't let the hair fool you. He is all B.O.Y.!

But a very gorgeous boy!!


5 thoughts:

HD said...

He is very stunning!
I'm guessing he loves his hair too? How often do you have to deal with people saying rude things to you about it?
People suck. Your kid is cute.

* The MOM said...

Thank you! He will not let us cut it, he loves it so much!! He says "I love my long flap hair!" LOL!! It's totally up to him. When he does want to cut it, my hairdresser will do it and we'll donate it to Locks Of Love. It'll be wonderful!! :D

Carlie said...

He loves his hair? How cute is that! Some of the most gorgeous long hair I've ever seen has been on men. Way to let your kid make choices for himself.

Amber said...

I think he's a very handsome boy! Love your pictures! Oh, and your tweets! =o)

* The MOM said...

Thanks, Carlie! It is, after all, his hair. He can do with it what he wants. :) We thought for sure he'd want his hair like Daddy's, but no, he likes it looooong. :D

Aw shucks, Amber! Thanks! Your pictures inspire. me. :)