
February 11, 2010

You Know You're A Mom When......

You wake up with the worst stomach ache and still manage to cook, clean, take care of little ones, take care of the dogs, do "school time" with the almost 4 year old, go shopping, make a huge dinner cause your teenager asked you to, take care of the hubby, take care of bedtime routine and then clean the kitchen all the while trying not to vomit. That was my day yesterday. I'm completely exhausted and still not feeling well, but I'm the Mom and I have to keep going. And that's why we women are the Moms, because we can do it all, even when we don't want to.

2 thoughts:

Carlie said...

Oh Nina! You are made of stronger stuff than I. I'm afraid I'm a huge wimp about stomach flu. I curl into the fetal position and come back again when I feel sane. Hope you feel better soon!

* The MOM said...

Thanks, Carlie, but it was horrible!! I had to "man up" since Kevin couldn't. LOL!! I'm glad I did because he was STILL sick yesterday. I think if I gave in I would have been worse. :) And I bet you could totally do it!! Heck, you're carrying around a BABY inside you, scrubbing the house AND taking care of the boys. Now THAT would make ME curl up and cry. LOL!!